Looking for a credit card that doesn’t require a credit history or a minimum credit score to apply for? This is achievable with a Bank of the West Credit Card since you can request a certain credit limit in exchange for a reasonable deposit. If this type of credit card appeals to you, keep reading to learn more about the conditions and how to apply for the Bank of the West Secured Credit card.
Money has its values along with the value, at the Bank of the West. We all know that money in a bank can be used to fund positive change. As a result, at this bank, initiatives have been taken up to promote conserve the environment, enhance people’s lives, and strengthen communities. They are reimagining banking for a better future by concentrating on areas where they feel they can make a genuine difference, such as assisting women entrepreneurs and financing creative start-ups.
Bank of the West Credit Card Benefits and Features
Bank of the West encourages its diverse customer base to achieve financial success. To attain financial freedom, the bank aims to improve its customers’ credit and security. We’ll learn about the features of the Bank of the West Secured Credit Card, as well as the prerequisites for applying for it, in this post.
Tired of the excessive annual fees and charges? Because it only has a $25 annual fee and you can acquire a credit limit depending on how much you deposit into an interest-bearing savings account, the Bank of the West Secured Credit Card might be a good fit for you.
The SecureSuite feature on this credit card is one of its benefits, as it protects cardholders against fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized transactions. It also has extended warranty protection, which allows cardholders to extend the guarantee duration on items purchased using the card. As a result, cardholders can save money on maintenance.
To make banking easier, download the mobile banking app and use it to conduct a balance transfer, alter the PIN, lock the card, and even activate the credit card. It’ll always be safe and convenient.
However, one of the best benefits of this credit card is a price protection, which allows cardholders to receive a reimbursement for any price differences on things purchased. This only applies if cardholders can locate a cheaper advertised price for the same item within a certain amount of time. When merchants sell things with different price tags, this will always be handy.
In terms of benefits, Mastercard offers international acceptance of your card in over 130 countries. Save money when booking flights, dining in restaurants, and staying at partner hotels and resorts by taking advantage of ongoing specials and promotions.
Now that you know about some of the amazing features of this Bank of the West credit card, keep reading to learn about the eligibility requirements and how to apply for one.
To apply for this credit card, you must go to a branch. You will be asked to give personal, professional, and financial information.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old, employed, and have a steady source of income. You can also learn more by visiting the Bank of the West’s website.
The credit limit will be determined by how much of a deposit you are ready to put down.
The deposit amount varies between $300 to $12,000. If you require a higher limit, you can speak with a bank representative and inquire about the required deposit amount.
APR and Fees for the Bank of the West Credit Card
Here’s a quick rundown of the fees and charges associated with this credit card. You should always pay your credit card bill on time to avoid damaging your credit score. Refer to the Bank of the West Account Opening Disclosure for more information on fees and rates.
Annual fee: $25
Late payment fee: up to $38 (based on your state)
Balance transfer fee: $10 or 4%
Cash advance fee: $10 or 4%
Variable APR: 23.24%
Variable APR for balance transfers: 23.24%
Bank of the West Contact Information-
180 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, United States.
Call 1-800-488-2265 to get in touch with the Bank of the West.
How do you get your payment ring or card to work?
You’ll need to activate your card or payment ring once it arrives in the mail.
In the application-
From the bottom menu, select ‘Cards.’
From the list, select your new card or payment ring.
Follow the directions by tapping ‘Activate.’ For your payment ring, you’ll need the expiration date displayed on your card or on the activation letter.
In terms of online banking-
Go to ‘Self-service’ and then ‘Manage my Cards.’
From the list, select your card or payment ring.
Follow the directions after clicking the ‘Activate now’ button. For your payment ring, you’ll need the expiration date displayed on your card or on the activation letter
Putting your card to good use before it comes-
Even before your actual card arrives in the mail, you can access your digital card information. This means you can use it immediately away without needing a real card (like online shopping and digital cards). Before your card arrives, you can also set up and manage direct debits. To use your card, go to:
From the bottom menu, select ‘Cards.’
Select a new card from the list.
To begin, go to ‘View card details.’
Once your real card comes, you’ll need to activate it.
You’ll be prompted to create a new card PIN when you activate your card, but you can change it at any moment. How to make sure your PIN is secure:
Do not share it with your family, friends, or on the internet.
Don’t scribble it down or save it to your computer or phone.
Don’t give it to anyone else (even them; they will never ask).
If your card is lost or stolen, you can report it on the Bankwest App by selecting your card from the ‘Cards’ menu and selecting ‘Lost, stolen, or damaged card.’ You can also reach them by phone at 13 17 19.
Once your real card comes, you’ll need to activate it.
If you have forgotten your PIN and need to change it, here is how it is done-
You can change your PIN on the Bankwest App or Bankwest Online Banking if you’ve forgotten it (BOB)-
In the application:
From the bottom menu, select ‘Cards.’
From the list, select your card or payment ring.
Select ‘Change PIN.’
In terms of online banking:
Go to ‘Self-service’ and then ‘Manage my Cards.’
From the list, select a card or payment ring.
Choose ‘Change PIN’ and follow the on-screen instructions.
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