Choosing a credit card that suits your needs can be such a menace! Considering the variety of cards available and the services that they provide, makes this task even more confusing. As a matter of fact, it is very important to choose the right card for you. But we totally understand the confusion while selecting any card. Hence, in this article, you will get to know about Frontier credit card reviews. You will also get to know the log-in and the activation process. To start with, a Frontier card is actually a card issued and owned by the Barclays credit card corporation. The Frontier credit card is actually helpful for those who often travel via flight. However, the uses are not just limited to flight. So, let us start the review.
What are the rewards provided to the customers?
While buying any new credit card, checking for the list of rewards is a mandatory process. Rewards help us to differentiate and select a particular card. As a matter of fact, this card provides you with a huge list of rewards. Some of them are:
- It provides a bonus of 50,000 miles and a $100 flight voucher. When someone pays the annual fee and spends about $500 or more within a period of 90days. They are eligible to get this reward.
- You are also eligible for 5x miles on eligible purchases done through
- Similarly, someone can earn 3x miles on many restaurant purchases too. Whereas everyone is eligible for 1x miles on all the other types of purchases.
- One can also get elite status. For this, they will have to earn a Qualifying mile. This can be earned by spending $1 on purchases or by using flying Frontier.
- With Frontier credit card, you also share your benefits and share miles with your family and friends.
- You are eligible to get a $100 flight voucher on every account anniversary. However, make sure that you have spent around $2,500 or more on purchases using the card that too during the card membership period.
- So, these were some of the worth mentioning rewards in Frontier credit card reviews.
What is the benefit according to Frontier credit card reviews?
Well, this credit card has a tremendous number and kinds of benefits. This could be your one and only flight travel card! So, here are some of the benefits of Frontier credit cards.
- There are no blackout dates on this card. This means that whatever miles you earn, you will never lose them. You can redeem these miles as and when you like. However, make sure to make a purchase every 6 months so that your unused miles do not get expired.
- With this card, one gets complimentary online access to their FICO credit score. This helps people to keep a check on their credit score and keeps them alert too.
- You get an award redemption fee waiver with this card. This will happen when you book an award ticket and use this card to pay the related taxes and other fees. This usually starts with a one-way ticket from $5.60.
- Wellbeing a Frontier credit card user you get to prioritize your boarding. This is because you are eligible for Zone 2 boarding.
- On Frontier credit card, you will enjoy the benefits of low introductory APR. There is 0% APR for 15 months on balance transfers for the introductory period that is within 45 days of account opening. Afterward, there is provision for variable rates that are 16.24%, 20.24%, and 25.24%.
- You will be delighted to know that there is no fee for foreign transactions. So, you can make international purchases easily.
Steps to activate and log in to the Frontier credit card
- You can either activate your card through the Barclays app or through the official website. The URL for the website is
- For a website, launch the website on your system and look for the sign-in option. You will find it on the top right side of the screen. Tap on it and enter the relevant information to complete the activation. If you already have an account, then select the “existing card-member” option and go for log-in. You will have to verify the details that you entered.
- If you are a new member, then select the “activate my card” option and fill in the details.
- You will have to follow the same steps for activation through the Barclay Credit Card app.
- Finally, click on continue and complete the activation process.
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Frontier credit card reviews
By now you are well equipped with relevant information about the Frontier credit card. If we talk about the rates then, for an initial period of 45days there is no APR purchase rate. You will not find this benefit on all credit cards.
However, there is a provision for a fixed fee. You will have to pay an annual fee of $85 when you are using this card. The APR rates are as follows 16.24%, 20.24%, or 25.24%. These vary according to your creditworthiness.
There is also a provision for a balance transfer fee. This is either $5 or 5% of the transferred amount.
The Frontier credit card is best for those people who travel a lot. Especially with airplanes. Although this is a little expensive, however, if someone travels very frequently, then this credit card is the best choice.
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